Cards 3, Annals 2.1 and the future
So I want to work my way through that list backwards
The future
Upcoming changes in my employment means that the following updates will be the last big, feature adding updates. I may be able to make bug fix updates for serious bugs, but there will be no new features for the foreseeable future. I will continue to provide what support I can via email. My apps are built with importing and exporting of data as part of their core feature set, so if you wish to move on to other apps, I understand and will help with that if I can.
I have greatly enjoyed creating these apps, and will miss working on them, but it is time to move on. From today forward all my apps will be free.
Both apps
I rewrote my sync engine this summer. My private fork of Seam has become Stitch. It uses Swift Package Manager for adding it to projects, and supports all the things my fork of Seam did, and more. It also has a fairly good set of tests, which ensure that changes to it won't impact its ability to sync reliably. The rewrite revealed several bugs in my fork, which have been fixed and the tests improved further to ensure those bugs don't slip back in.
Both apps have gained support iOS 13's darkmode, and iPad OS's multiple windows for a single app. I have also done extensive testing and tweaking to better support all of iOS's dynamic font sizes, from the smallest to the largest.
Annals 2.1
Annals gains support for Shortcuts based QuickEntry. Pass in a shelf and whatever text you want and it will be encrypted using the shelve's public key and is then synced to iCloud. Fix some layout issues in macOS, especially in the calendar and images list views.
Cards 3
Cards gains support for favorites, flag a recipe as a favorite by tapping the heart icon, and it will be sorted first in the main list. Cards web importer has also been improved to directly sync a new recipe imported to iCloud. Additionally, support for re-downloading a Cards 1.x database was removed due to the deprecation by Apple of the tools needed to do so.